Past Attendance

Get insights on previous attendance, logged check-ins/outs, absences, and missed check-outs with the Past Attendance report.

Nick Todd avatar
Written by Nick Todd
Updated over a week ago

How-To Video


The Past Attendance report provides a comprehensive overview of all attendance data previously recorded in the registers. It includes details such as check-ins, check-outs, logged absences, and alerts for missed check-outs, giving you valuable insights into attendance patterns.

The Past Attendance Report

To access this report, navigate to Reports > Room Analysis > Past Attendance

Generating Past Attendance Reports

Generating a report is simple. Just select the week you're interested in and click "Generate". This will present you with a weekly view of attendance data.

Once you have generated your report you will see your attendance on a weekly view

  1. Rooms - Expandable to view a room breakdown by individual child

  2. Icons - Understand their meanings for a quick scan of the report.

    1. Due

    2. Actual

    3. Failed Checkout

    4. Absent

  3. Past Attendance - Daily summary of a child's attendance

    1. Expandable Absents for greater details

    2. Daily notes are visible on the report

Making the most of Past Attendance data

The Past Attendance report is an essential tool for reviewing historical register data. It offers insights into the actual attendance of children, as recorded by your staff members. It enables easy access to register data for each child, allowing for efficient report generation with just a few steps.

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