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Creating a Session

Set-up and manage your sessions for efficient attendance planning within your Early Years setting using Nursery Story's step-by-step guide.

Nick Todd avatar
Written by Nick Todd
Updated over a week ago

How-To Video


Creating sessions is the first step towards being able to use Nursery Story's Bookings and Finance features. Our system relies on Sessions to allow practitioners to book a child in for their daily sessions.

This article will provide you with a step-by-step on how to get started.

How to Create Sessions

To add a new session you will need to go to Booking > Settings > Sessions.

From here you can create a new session by clicking + Add Children Sessions.

Step 1 - Add Session Name

Step 2 - Set session's Colour

Step 3 - Add an Acronym (To be used in certain features)

Step 4 - Select your session From & To time

Step 5 - Create your Session fees for each age child's bracket

Step 6 - Select Save

Hints - We have provided you with the flexibility to set up your sessions in a way that suits you best. If you have a flat fee, then simply assign the same price across all ages. If you want to provide £0 fully funded sessions, simply set the £ to £0.

Manage your Sessions

Now that you have created your sessions, you can manage them from our easy-to-navigate sessions manager.

Preview any session added to your system by simply selecting it from the list. Here you can preview the full session settings along with quickly identifying the number of children assigned to the session.

Sessions Status

Creating a session will mark it as Active and make it available to be used in Children's Bookings. If a session is no longer required, you may also mark it as deactivated to archive it indefinitely or save it for later use.

Active Sessions - Sessions that are in use

Inactive Sessions - Have been deactivated but kept in record

Edit or Delete a Session

At any stage, should you wish to update, deactivate or delete a session, then you can do so.

Edit - Update any of the sessions properties

Deactivate - If you wish to temporarily remove the Session ready to store and potentially reactivate at a later date

Delete - If you have no further need for the session and wish to permanently delete it.

Hints: Any updates will make live updates to sessions that are active and in use on your children's bookings calendar. Changes are made related to the bookings invoice status.

If a child has bookings that HAVE been invoiced, then any changes will not be implemented.

If children's bookings HAVE NOT been invoiced, then the changes will take place.

If a child has bookings that have both INVOICED and NON-INVOICED only those that have not been invoiced will be updated.


I need to apply a discount to a child's bookings. How do I do this?

Appling discounts are simple and done straight from Bookings > Sessions. Simply create a new Session and add a name that matches the type of discount you are looking to apply. You can then simply update the price to the final price once the discount is removed.


Full Day - £8/hr

Full Day SIBLINGS - £6/hr

Full Day 50% OFF - £4/hr

I want to add fully funded sessions for a child. How do I do this?

Adding funding sessions is simple. Simply create a new session to match the non-funded session and name it something clear to make it recognisable as funded.


Full Day

Full Day (Funded)

We hope you found this article informative. We welcome any questions you might have so please feel free to reach out to us via the Intercom OR email us at if you have any further questions

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