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Running the Register

This article will run through Check in, out, absent, edit & notes

Nick Todd avatar
Written by Nick Todd
Updated over a week ago

How-To Video

How do I access Registers?

The registers can be seen on the home screen. Booked children for that day are available to run live registers on. Any unbooked children will be found at the bottom of the page and remain available to log any activities and observations.

Your default view will show the entire nursery on your home screen, but remember you can filter this down using filters to display only details that are relevant to you.

Registers Counts and Totals

The Register tabs are used to help you gain a snapshot of your day and help to navigate to children based off their registration status.

  • ALL - Access all children at your setting regardless of daily attendance

  • My Day - A snapshot of all children in your setting that day

  • Due - Children that are due to arrive

  • In - Children that have been checked in

  • Out - Children that have checked out

  • Absent - Children that have been marked absent that day*

*Only children expected in for that day. Children on a weeks holiday will only appear absent on days they are usually due.

The counts give you a quick oversight of your day. The counts are given by:

ALL = All children with a room assigned

My Day = In + Out / Due + In + Out

Due = Due

In = In / Due + In

Out = Out

Absent = Absent + Booking pattern present today

Children Status?

in order to understand your register at any time of the day, children must be given a status. These status' are:

  • Due - Expected in at some time today

  • In - Is currently attending a session

  • Out - Was In but has been collected

  • Absent - Was expected in today, but has been marked down as absent

Registers Filters

Filters are used to reduce the amount of information you are viewing on the home screen at any one time. You can filter by:

  • Rooms - Filter children by the room they are booked into for the day selected

  • Key Person - Only show the key children for specific staff members

  • By Date - Allows you to view past and future register pages

  • Session - Only view children booked in for certain sessions

Set Default Filter

Customise your default filters to suit each users preference

Step 1 - Update your filters

Step 2 - Select 'Set Default'

Step 3 - 'Save' OR 'Exit' filters

*You can 'Save' new filters to update temporarily, but when reloading the page, you will always return to your default. Each user can have defaults set for each device that they use. Eg, one setup for your laptop, another for your tablet!

Action Menu

The action menu is where you manage your homepage selections and perform key 'actions' to run your register.

Main actions include:

  • Select All - Option to select/deselect all child cards

  • Count - How many child cards are selected?

  • Edit - Edit children's check-in/out time

  • Notes - Keep daily notes for the children

  • Send - Send messages to contacts either individually or on mass

  • Preview - launches the 'Child Preview' widget to display key data for a child

  • Check-in - Check a child in

  • Check out - Check a child out

  • Absent - Mark children as absent - Unwell, Holiday Other

Check-in a child

To check in a child is really easy, all you have to do is select the child you want to check in and click Check In in the action menu.

You can only check in children that are in Due status.

Before a child is check in or out, the expected in, out data will be displayed as a watermark.

Once a child has been checked in, the check-in time will change to the time the child actually checked into the nursery


  1. You can update the Check-in time by selecting the child and selecting Edit

  2. You can check in multiple children at a time, as long as they are Due

  3. If a child has multiple sessions booked for a day then you can check them in multiple times a day. for more information see article

Check-Out a child

To check out a child is just as simple, all you have to do is select the child you want to check out and click Check Out in the action menu. The child must already have bene checked in.


  1. You can check out multiple children at a time as long as all in your selection are In

  2. Checking out a child will remove them from the based on count on the In Tab to clearly communicate that that child is no longer expected into your setting and no longer requires to be accounted for

Mark a child as Absent?

To mark a child as absent, simply select a child that is Due and select Absent from the action menu.

From here you will be asked to provide further information

  • Type - Select the type of absence - Holiday, Unwell, Other

  • Add Details - Brief explanation of why the child is absent

Select Save to mark the child as absent.


  1. When a child is marked as absent they are removed from the 'My Day' count entirely

  2. Only children that have sessions booked for a day will be visible on the Absent tab. A child that is booked for a full week holiday will only appear on the days that they are usually expected in.

How to add Notes?

Each day a child can have a single editable note added to them to accompany their registration information. This information can be used in a variety of ways from logging arrival/departure behaviour, to flagging a variety of bite-sized details.

Step 1 - Select 1 or more children that have been checked In*

Step 2 - Navigate to Action Menu > Notes

Step 3 - Input a note for each child individually. These must be brief as there is a character limit of just 60.

Step 4 - Once saved, the note will appear in both the child card as well as the child preview widget.



Step 4 - To 'Edit' a note, simply select a child with a note, and select 'Notes' once again from the action menu

*Children require to have Register data for a day to add a note. A child can be in either In or Out status to have a note applied. In the instance of children with multiple sessions and multi check In/Out, a separate note for each session is possible. Ther is a limit of up to 4 sessions in each given day

Time & Date Widget

When running a register, it is important to always know the current time & date. We have built a simple time & date widget that allows you to always keep on top of your schedule.

It comes in 2 forms. Expanded or reduced which you can choose depending on your device screen size and preferred setup:



Download Registers

Plan to go somewhere that technology can't follow? Never fear. We have provided you with a fully downloadable blank register to keep you on top of your attendance.

Step 1 - Select the 'Download' button (top right hand of the screen)

Step 2 - Select the filters you wish to build the register for

Step 3 - Select 'Save'

Step 4 - Preview your generated blank register. This includes:

  • Children separated by Room (Room is based off of that days booking. Children schedule across multiple rooms in a week will appear in both rooms with relevant sessions)

  • Booked sessions will appear with their acronym

  • Blank lines are presented below the session for you to enter your actual In & Out data, along with a signature

  • Unbooked sessions appear as Blank sessions, ready for you to populate encase of any unplanned last minute sessions

  • An area to the right is available to handwritten notes

Step 5 - To Print, we advise you to follow this setup*:

  • Printer Size = A4

  • "Fit to Page/Paper"

  • Landscape

* We are continually enhancing our software, to get this out to you we have released with reduced print compatibility. We will run an update that will improve how printer friendly these registers can be. Our end goal is to provide you a full y paperless solution however! This is our final objective!

We hope you found this article informative. We welcome any questions you might have so please feel free to reach out to us via the Intercom OR email us at if you have any further questions

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