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Complete a Progress Checkpoint

How to complete a progress checkpoint

Nick Todd avatar
Written by Nick Todd
Updated over a year ago

How-To Videos

In order to find a child's 'Progress Checkpoint'

Step 1 - Select Children > The child's name you wish to find

Step 2 - Next select the 'EYFS 2021 & B25M Reports' section (or whatever you have chosen as your guidance material) *

*Note - EYFS 2021 and B25M both run off the same Monitoring Titles and so both generate the same reports.

For any further guidance on this please further to Setting your guidance material

Step 3 - Various reports will come on display, select

Step 4 - Date to be chosen on the top left

Step 5 - You can also amend the title of the report should you wish next to date where it says 'Report Title'

Step 6 - Take your time entering all the information you know about your Key children. Depending on the age of the child, the Prime and Specific areas where relevant. The toggles can be turned on when a child is at the age where the specific areas need to be completed.

Step 7 - In each area of learning you need to consider what stage your child is at. The drop-down boxes will have the titles you have set up the standard ones being

  • Area to support

  • Working towards

  • On track

  • Working beyond

Select in each area of learning the stage the child is at when the progress check is being completed.

Step 8 - Next to the 'Monitoring' drop-down box is a small icon to hit which brings up a screen showing all previous observations.

This allows you to take some time to remind yourself of these whilst you are writing your report, you could reference them should you wish to.

Step 9 - Continue to complete the 'Next Steps', and 'Relatives comments' to complete the 'Progress Checkpoint'

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