How-To Videos
Step 1 - From the Homepage select the child/children you are wanting to record the accident/incident on. They will go blue in the selection, and it will show how many children you have chosen,
Step 2 - Select the 'Accident/incident' icon in Activity Menu
Step 3 - The date and start time will automatically be set, but if you press the calendar you can amend this to change to the appropriate time if you are looking to backdate the incident.
Author - This is automatically set to the active user. To change author, you must sign in as a different user OR Admin users have the ability to update the Author.
Step 4 - Select the 'Cause' using the drop-box options.
Step 5 - Describe the incident/accident and any first aid administered
Step 6 - Upload a photo or scanned PDF file of your internal injury, accident form.
Step 7 - Toggle On/Off 'Share with the parents' depending on your preference and hit 'Submit'
Short on time
Step 1 - You can 'Save' the accident/Incident report in the top right corner and you can come back to it at a more convenient time.
Step 2 - Select the activity tab on the left-hand navigation bar and the saved incident will be found in 'Drafts'.
Below is a reference point. To go back to it you would press 'Continue Editing'.
This would bring up the original Incident to amend.
We hope you found this article informative. We welcome any questions you might have so please feel free to reach out to us via the Intercom OR email us at if you have any further question